learn the craft of making exceptional coffee.
The craft of making coffee is an incredibly enjoyable experience that we look forward to sharing.
These classes are for coffee enthusiasts looking to maximize their home barista skills. These classes are an opportunity to host you at our roastery in Coppell. We’ll give you a tour through our roasting facility, discuss the process, and begin your class.
We look forward to seeing you at the roastery and sharing the knowledge for you to get the most out of your coffee beans and equipment.
home barista intro
This course is designed to establish the base fundamentals of brewing espresso and steaming milk at home. We’ll go over the machines, espresso preparation, theory, and milk steaming.
advanced barista
This course is designed to take the next step for home baristas. You have the basics down and are ready to dive deeper into parameters, texturing milk, and pouring with confidence.
coffee theory
With our theory events, we dive into the weeds a bit. Depending on the class, we will taste different origins, process methods, and some stuff we are stoked about!